News News about our stud farm and the world of horses

Córdoba se engalana de aroma ecuestre por todos sus rincones

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A principios de octubre se aglutinan en la ciudad de Córdoba, varios eventos de transcendencia nacional para los aficionados al caballo. Por una parte tendremos la final  del campeonato nacional de doma vaquera, y por otro lado el XIII Campeonato de Andalucía de Alta Escuela. Y tras un formidable campeonato de morfologia del PRE, esta ciudad apuesta fuerte por el caballo en todas sus facetas.


Abortos causados por infección de rinoneumonitis

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Desde hace unos meses ha desaparecido la vacuna habitual para la sensibilización de las yeguas y evitar el aborto por rinoneumonitis durante la gestación.

No hay una información oficial respecto a esta situación indicando las causas de la retirada, ni si hay otra en el mercado nacional que pueda venir a sustituir la función de la anterior.


H.M. King Philip VI accepts honorary presidency of SICAB 2014

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The Head of the House of His Majesty the King has informed ANCCE that King Philip VI has accepted the honorary presidency of International P.R.E. Horse Fair, SICAB 2014, to be held December 2- 7in Seville, the city’s third most important event, bringing together the world’s best Spanish Purebred horses.

ANCCE is grateful for this honour and acknowledges the institutional backing given by the Spanish royal family to the operations of this association of horse breeders, which is working for the improvement and promotion of the Spanish Purebreds worldwide.

We also hope his presidency will continue for a long time. We at ANCCE will make every effort to ensure that H.M the King is satisfied with the work we have been doing for over 40 years as a national association and organizer of SICAB, which will mark / celebrate fulfilled its 25th anniversary in 2015.


Candiota Stud Farm at Sicab 2014.

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Soon this stud farm will be involved in the International Horse Show, with the participation of our in-house rider, Jesús Morales, in the disciplines of dressage and high school jumping. In the discipline of dressage he will participate in the pole bending event with the special act of performing the complete REPRISS with the reins tied to his waist. This very difficult feat has made Jesús Morales known throughout the world of horses as a pioneer in this performance. His performance is accompanied by a pair of guitarists to enhance and add beauty to the act.

We will also enter several horses in long-rein and high school jumping.


Branding of new foals

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A week ago we started branding the weaned foals in last year’s litter, maintaining the tradition of burning the emblem on animals born in each stock. Stallions on the left and mares on the right. Placement of identification marks on livestock – a practice borrowed from wild bulls - year of birth and number in the stock.
Afterwards there was the now classic picnic lunch with family and friends who join us year after year on this day which is so dear to the Candiota Stud Farm.